This article will guide the player on how to activate the sixth Orb for the Felcycle Mount during the anniversary secret event in WOW: The War Within and get Ancient Shaman Blood.
Travel to the Stranglethorn Vale in Eastern Kingdoms. Stranglethorn Vale is located in the southern part of the map.
In Stranglethorn Vale, fly to Zul’Gurub. The location is marked on the map below to find five Altars arranged in a circular pattern around a totem.

Note: If you don’t have these items, wait until another player nearby with the necessary items completes the task.
Blood Altar
Start with the Blood Altar located on the southwest side. First, activate your torch of Pyrreth.
- Select a toy with the name “Blood” in it. Like Throbbing Blood Orb
- Summon a pet with the name “Blood” in it. Like: Blood Boil
- Select a mount with the name “Blood” in it. Like: Bloody Skyscreamer
Succubus Altar
- Toy: Steamy Romance Novel Kit
- Pet: Sister of Temptation
- Finally, you need a fully concealed Transmogrify to make all your items completely invisible.
Corrupt Altar
- Toy: Ring of Broken Promises
- A pet with the name “Corrupt” in it. Like: Corrupted Nest Guardian.
- Mount with a word corrupted in like Corrupted Fire Hawk.
- Transmogrify your character with the corrupted outfit.
Sin Altar
- Pet: Sinheart
- Toy: Bondable Sinstone
- Use sinstones for your character appearance.
Void Shadow Altar
- Summon a pet with the name “void” in it like Void-Scarred Anubisath.
- A Toy like Void Totem
- Use the appearance “Drape of the Drakerider”.
How to get Ancient Shaman Blood
If you travel all the way to the southernmost part of the area, you’ll find a glowing Chest of Acquisitions that you can interact with to obtain Ancient Shaman Blood.