Find Arabella’s Parents Quest Guide | Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)

This article will guide you on how to complete all objectives of the quest “Find Arabella’s Parents” in Baldur’s Gate 3. One of the Act 1 characters you’ll run into during Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 2 is the young thief Arabella. This quest is available only If you managed to spare her during Act 1.

Meet Arabella (in Shadow-Cursed Village)

To begin the quest, you must first meet Arabella. You’ll meet her again between the Mason’s Guild and the House of Healing in Act 2. Arabella may be found in front of the Cemetry Gate if you follow the path north from the Grand Mausoleum in Reithwin Town. Refer to the below location.

Talk to her here and inquire about her parents. She’ll tell you that they’re missing. At this point, you just need to agree to help her in finding her parent.

Search for Arabella’s Parents

After speaking with Arabella, proceed west to the House of Healing. Go inside and enter the room on the east side of the building near the stairs.

You’ll encounter Sister Lidwin here with two corpses – Locke and Komira, Arabella’s parents.

Talk to Araballa’s Dead Father

At this point, you have two options: either deceive Lidwin and align with the notion that Arabella’s parents are merely asleep, or confront her. Finally, you can utilize the “Speak with dead” spell to talk with her father.

Tell Arabella about her parents

Go to the camp to meet Arabella and deliver the terrible news. You must inform her that her parents are no longer alive. She will not believe you and will flee.

Check up on Arabella

Take a long rest and return later to catch her speaking with either Withers or Alfira. Enter their conversation to end the quest.

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