This article provides a step-by-step guide for navigating the Gauntlet of Shar in Baldur’s Gate 3, covering Puzzles, Secrets, Trials, and Objectives.
Gauntlet of Shar
Refer to the article to reach Gauntlet of Shar – Shar Statue Plaques Puzzle in Reithwin Town
Gauntlet of Shar Umbral Gem Puzzle
When you first enter the dungeon, you’ll see a center statue encircled by a magical barrier that repels your character if you approach it. There are eight lanterns hanging from the ceiling need to be lowered and turn off to reveal the secret path.

The room is also filled with traps. A good perception check will be beneficial in avoiding traps from being triggered. To evade the traps, you can leap into the side rooms.
There is a little side chamber with a lever at each corner of the room. Navigate through these four side rooms, interacting with the levers to lower all of the lanterns and finally extinguish the light.

Unequip the moon lantern if you have it in your hand.

When the area is fully black, you will notice two magical rings surrounding the statue with gaps that your character may pass through to reach the Orb in the center.

To prevent your other teammates from activating the force field, It’s recommended to switch to a single character. To finish the puzzle, walk within the pattern’s lines and interact with the Umbral Gem on the pedestal.

This allows you to unlock the gateway by touching the orb. Head inside and go downstairs on the left to reach Gauntlet of Shar fast travel point.
Raphael’s Old Enemy (Yurgir) (Umbral Gem 1)
Go up the steps on the east side of the Gauntlet of Shar Waypoint. Then proceed to the far left corner and leap down the ruined stairway.

Follow a Beast until you reach a chamber full of corpses. Refer to the exact location.

The Yurgir and its minions will ambush you here. Keep talking about the pact that binds him here until you unlock a persuasion check that will convince him to slaughter his group and then himself.

Also Read: Make Yurgir Kill Himself

Finally, pick up the Umbral Gem #1 on the staircase next to its throne.

Soft-Step trial (Umbral Gem 2)
From the Gauntlet of Shar Waypoint, go down the stairs on the north and enter the first room on the left. Offer your blood as a sacrifice in front of the statue to begin Soft-Step Trail. Refer to the exact location.

In this trial, you must slip through a little maze to the end. There are shadows patrolling the environment, and you must avoid being detected by these shadows and also avoid the traps.
Use a sneaky character and an invisibility potion. To complete the trail, enter through the leftmost tunnel, hug the wall, leap through a window, then turn right until you see a large gate.

To complete the trial, pick the gate’s lock and take the Umbral gem #2.

Self-Same Trial (Umbral Gem 3)
From the Gauntlet of Shar Waypoint, go down the stairs on the north and enter the second room on the left. Refer to the exact location.

This trial forces you to fight a clone of your parties. If you have Karlach in your party, for example, a clone of Karlach will emerge, and she must only fight that clone and not anybody else’s. The Last you defeat will drop Umbral Gem #3

Faith-Leap Trial (Umbral Gem 4)
From the Gauntlet of Shar Waypoint, go down the stairs on the north, continue to walk along the hallway, and then descend on the right and through the first door. Refer to the exact location.

This trail will require players to traverse a gap using invisible platforms. Enter the chasm from the left and walk over it until you reach the left statue.

Hug the left wall and descend to an invisible platform. Turn right and continue on the path toward the middle platform and then jump or fly to the statue. You can simply leap across the stone platforms bearing Lady Shar’s statue. Make sure to first step onto the invisible pathways before jumping or flying.

Drop down from the rightmost side of the middle platform with the statue. Slowly approach the Umbral Gem, then leap to the platform containing the Umbral Gem #4.

Silent Library Puzzle (Spear of Night)
Next, you need to find Silent Library. You can find the Silent Library on the lowest floor of the Gauntlet of Shar in the same corridors where the Faith-Leap trial room is located. As you enter the library defeat all enemies, including the purple portal in the middle of the room.

After defeating the enemies, head west in the library and unlock a giant gate that guards a smaller chamber.
This little chamber features a huge image of Lady Shar on the rear wall as well as a pedestal in the center. Interact with the pedestal to hear the riddle, “What can silence a Nightsong?” and enter an item to answer that question.

The book you’re searching for is “Teachings of Loss: The Nightsinger.” As seen in the screenshot below, this book is situated on the north wall of the library. After disarming the traps on the bookshelf, take the book back to the pedestal and place it in the box that appears on your screen.

By doing so, the portrait of Lady Shar will transform into a hidden passage. Here, you’ll be able to acquire the Spear of Night, along with a Dark Justiciar helmet.

Attack the Rats (Meet Lyrthindor)
From the Gauntlet of Shar Waypoint, go down the stairs on the north, continue to walk along the hallway, and then descend on the right. Climb down to reach the feet of the Giant Shar Statue.

At the feet of the statue read the book and the broken effigy. During this moment, a Rat will emerge. Employ the “Speak with Animal” spell to initiate a conversation with the Rat. You have the option to Attack the Rats or Bargain with Rats.

Ultimately, the rats will transform into a man named Lyrthindor, who is displeased with his altered state. He will engage you in combat. Defeat him and subsequently return to Yurgir.

Bargain with Rats Treasure & Mirror of Loss
Should you choose to negotiate with the Rat and opt not to initiate an attack, the rat will point toward a treasure location that will be marked on the map.

Proceed to the marked location and interact with the loose tile to uncover the treasure indicated by the rat earlier. Inside, you will discover a collection of gold, a Crystalline Lens, a Hook, and an Imp Patagium.

Adjacent to this location, you’ll come across the “Mirror of Loss” which becomes accessible in Act 3. Approach the mirror within this chamber and engage with it. Within the mirror, you’ll have four memories to select from. Opting for one memory grants a +1 bonus to a specific stat while incurring a -2 debuff to another. Additionally, close to the mirror, you’ll find the silver key. This key can be utilized to unlock a chest.

Find Balthazar
Starting from the Gauntlet of Shar Waypoint, ascend the stairs to the west. Proceed along the pathway until you arrive at a chamber. There are three doors in this area. The front door is of Balthazar. Defeat the enemies that are located around the perimeter and acquire the key to unlock the door. Enter the room to find Balthazar.

Treasure Room
Next, head to the left door to find three treasure chests.

Altar to Shar
Utilize a melee attack to break down the door on the right to enter. Inside, you’ll come across the Altar to Shar. Offering a prayer at the altar will give you the ‘Nightsinger’s Favour‘ condition.

Following your prayer at the Altar, proceed to the side room. Break open the door, which will lead you to the next area. Within this area, a chest situated at the center contains a Jade Gem. Defeat the cloaker and then collect the Jade Gem

Place Umbral Gemstones in Altar
Finally, go east of the Gauntlet of Shar Waypoint and place the gem on Pedestal of Recoking.