This guide shows how to get the Yaran Contraband on the GDP Oil Platform in Aguas Lindas. Opening the Yaran Contraband chest on the GDP Oil Platform gets you a Supercharger Shotgun Unique weapon.

GDP Oil Platform Yaran Contraband Weapon: Container Puzzle
GDP Oil Platform is on the northwest side of Aguas Lindas. The Yaran Contraband is inside a shipping container at the top level on the southeast portion of the rig as shown in the picture below.

The shipping container containing the Yaran Contraband chest is blocked with another shipping container, which is attached to a crane. You need to lift the container blocking the path to access the Yaran Contraband. To lift the container, go to the crane control room at the southwest end of the rig as shown below.

Go inside the control room and press the red button.

This will make the crane lift the container and clear the path to the shipping container with the chest.

Once the path is clear, go inside the shipping container and open the Yaran Contraband chest to get Supercharger Shotgun.