Where are the invoices in big business Genshin Impact?
“Big Business” is a world quest in the region of Liyue where the Traveller needs to retrieve three invoices for Landa. Two of those invoices are easy to find, but the third one is a bit tricky because you’ll need Noctilucous Jades. This walkthrough includes the locations of the invoices and Noctilucous Jades of the world quest Big Business. At the end of the world quest, players will receive 250 Adventure EXP, 30 Primogems, 3 Hero’s Wit, and 30,000 Mora.
Starting Location: Chi Of Guyun Guide
To start the quest head to the top of the Wangshu Inn to speak with Landa (NPS). Landa will task the traveler with completing 3 invoices around the land.

Get the invoices (0/3)
- Teleport to the Statue of The Seven – Geo. Look behind the house, just before the harbor to get it. There will be a golden sparkle on the ground back of the hut.

- Now head toward the destination located to the West of the Statue of the Seven. The second invoice is hidden inside. Once you get the small island with the destination mark, crawl inside of the cave with hilichurls.
- For most areas, the island is far, and swimming there directly will result in drowning. Use Kaeya to make an ice ramp for you to proceed a bit further on foot, jump and glide as far as you can before you start to swim.

Talk to Bao’er
- Go to the last destination mark near Stone Gate and talk to Bao’er in front of the house. Bao’er (NPC) has managed to get the invoice before you and will only trade it with you in return for three Noctilucous Jades. Give three of these jades and get back to Landa to complete the quest.

Where to find Noctilucous Jade?
Noctilucous Jade, the required item to get the 3rd invoice, can be found at the Northeast of Mingyun Village, just across the Sal Terrae. Look for blue shining rocks inside a cave.
Clear all enemies and head in deeper. As you head in deeper, you will notice blue rocks inside. Break these rocks to get Noctilucous Jades. You find 3 of these here, making it enough for you to get the last invoice from Bao’er.