This article will guide the player on how to complete the objective ‘Go further‘ for the story quest “Journey of Stars and Flames” in Genshin Impact
As you play through the story quest “Journey of Stars and Flames” in Genshin Impact, you’ll need to use a special ability by indwelling an Iktomisaurus to uncover hidden paths. First, find the nearby Iktomisaurus Spiritsconce and interact with it. This will give you the power to use its Elemental Sight, a special ability that helps you see things that are normally hidden.
Next, activate Elemental Sight and look around carefully to find a hidden path. Follow this path until you reach an area with three dragon statues.

When you get to the statues, use Elemental Sight again to spot glowing symbols on them. Once you see the symbols, use the Iktomisaurus Elemental Skill to destroy the symbols on each statue.

Afterward, use Elemental Sight again to find a hidden path under a stone platform. This will help you move forward in the quest.

When you reach the bottom, interact with the nearby Qucusaurus Spiritsconce to obtain its power and proceed through the flight course ahead.