Request 38: Gone Astray in the Mirelands
This guide shows the complete walkthrough of “Request 38: Gone Astray in the Mirelands” in Pokemon Legends Arceus. For this request, you will need to find Wanda, who has gone missing in the Crimson Mirelands.

How to Start Request 38 (Gone Astray in the Mirelands)
To start the quest, go and talk to a villager named Zeke inside the commander’s office in Galaxy Hall. He will ask you to find his sister Wanda, who has gone missing in the Crimson Mirelands. Your Ursaluna will pick up her scent and you will need to find her using Ursaluna.

How to Ride Ursaluna and Follow the Blue Signals
Press ‘X’ to summon a ride. Then switch the ride by pressing ‘+’. Get on the Ursaluna and follow the blue signal as shown in the picture below to find Wanda.

Wanda’s Location
Follow the blue signal while riding Ursaluna to reach Wanda. Wanda is at the location shown in the pictures below. Talk to Wanda and then report back to Zeke to complete the request.