Hidden Path to The Haligtree Walkthrough
This guide shows the complete walkthrough of the Hidden Path to the Haligtree dungeon in Elden Ring. You will need to find Haligtree Secret medallions and use them on the Grand Lift of Rold to unlock this area.

From the Hidden Path to the Haligtree Site of Grace, go down the stairs and then turn left. Keep moving ahead until you reach the central platform. From the central platform, jump down from the location shown in the picture below. You will land on an invisible bridge. Then walk on the invisible bridge to enter the room on the south side as shown in the second picture below. You will find a Grave Glovewort [9] in this room. Then hit the wall to make it disappear and get Silver Scarab.

Come out from the room and walk on the invisible bridge to reach the room on the north side as shown in the picture below. In this room, you will find Sacramental Bud and Vulgar Militia Outfit.

Come out of this room and turn right. Then walk straight on the invisible platform to enter the room on the west side as shown in the picture below. In this room, you will find a Grave Glovewort [9].

Now come out from this room and jump down on the floor down below on the right side as shown in the picture below. Here you will find Hero’s Rune [1]. Then climb up the window to enter the building.

After entering the building, turn right and pull the lever to open the boss’s door. Then turn around and go south to reach the boss’s lair. Before entering the boss lair, go to the path on the right side as shown below. This will lead you to an elevator. Take the elevator to the top and collect the Spelldrake Talisman +2 there. Now go back to the boss’s lair and defeat the Stray Mimic Tear boss to get Blackflame Monk Amon ashes. Open the chest inside the boss’s room to get a Deathroot, which is required for Gurranq’s questline. This completes the dungeon.