Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Home Ec Midterm Answers
This guide shows the correct answers for the Home Ec Midterm test in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which released on 18th November 2022.
Question: Which is not an effect of a picnic meal?
Answer: Increasing Speed

Question: Which of the following affects the kind of Meal Power received from a particular meal?
Answer: Fillings and Condiments

Question: Which of these Berries can restore a Pokemon HP?
Answer: Oran Berry

Question: Leandro wanted his Pokemon to decide on its own when to use its item in battle, so he gave it an Oran Berry. This will work as he hopes.
Answer: True

Question: If a move runs out of PP, it can no longer be used. If a Pokemon runs out of PP for all its moves, it can only sit there in frustration.
Answer: False