This guide shows how to complete the “Homeward” Quest that you will get during the Oskoreia Festival in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Oskoreia Festival will run from 11th November 2021 to 2nd December 2021.

Speak with Alwin
For the first objective, talk to Alwin in Ravensthorpe.

Find and Speak to the Mad Monk
You will find the Mad Monk on the northeast of Ravensthorpe at the location shown below. A huge smoke column will indicate the location of Mad Monk’s camp. Go to the camp and interact with the Smoking Pot there. The Monk’s Smoke will transfer you to a vision, in which you won’t be able to open the map.

Seek the Power of Protection
From the Mad Monk’s Camp, go in the northeast direction. Use Odin’s sight to guide you. As you go in the northeast direction, you will see a rock with a symbol drawn on it as shown in the picture below. A note on the rock reads: Pulled from a thread of the Nornir’s Strand, this rune casts a shield across the land.

Go further northeast. After a little while, you will reach an area with standing stones with symbols drawn on them. Stand on a stone arch at the position as shown below, such that the symbols form the same shape that you saw on the note before. This will complete the objective.

Defeat Shadow Eivor
Now a Spirit Eivor will appear. After you have defeated it, you will be transferred back to the real world, completing the quest. “An Honorable Death” quest will start once the quest is over.