You will come across the Horseshoe Water Tower Safe during the “Moonshine” side quest. This guide shows how to open the safe in the Horseshoe Water Tower. This quest will be available only if you negotiated with Jack & Joe during the “Water Tower” main quest.
Horseshoe Water Tower Safe
Horseshoe Water Tower safe is at the location marked in the picture below. You will be able to get it during the “Moonshine” side quest.

Use the lift near the water tower building to reach the roof as shown below.

Jump down from the roof on the platform below. Then jump further down to reach the green door as shown in the pictures below. Lockpick the door and go inside. Inside the room, you will find the safe.

You will get the clue for the safe code from Joe at the start of the quest as shown below.
Safe Code Clue: The year America was discovered (1492)

Enter the code (14-9-2) to open the safe. Inside the safe, you will find Cillian’s Moonshine, which is a quest item for the “Moonshine” quest.