This article will show you where to find Larvitar in the game Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, which is released on 18 November 2022.
Paldea Pokedex: #316 Larvitar
Type: Rock / Ground
Ability: Guts / Sand Veil
Height: 2’00”
Evolution: Larvitar > Pupitar (Level 30) > Tyranitar (Level 55)
Characteristics: Born deep underground, this Pokémon becomes a pupa after eating enough dirt to make a mountain.
Larvitar Location
Growlithe inhabits different areas of Palden. Trainers can encounter the Pokémon in six different locations. These areas are the Alfornada Cavern, Asado Desert, Dalizapa Passage, East Province Area 3, South Province Area 5, and West Province Area 1.