In this guide, you will see how you can unlock the Wand Customization in Hogwarts Legacy. In Hogwarts Legacy, you can customize your wand to suit your preferences near the beginning of the game’s main story. All wand options are just cosmetic and do not provide any unique abilities such as improved spell damage or spell efficacy.
How to Customize your Wand
To begin your adventure to acquiring the Hogwarts Legacy magic wand, you must first complete the main storyline quest Welcome to Hogsmeade. Welcome to Hogsmeade is the seventh main quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

This quest will require you to visit multiple places and the one “Visit Ollivanders” is for the magic wand. The location is marked on the map and makes your way over to Ollivanders. This is a renowned wand shop that is operated and owned by the Ollivander wand-making family since 382 B.C.

Once you reach the location, enter the shop and you will meet with Gerbold Ollivander who is the current shop owner. He will offer different sets of wands to try and see. After obtaining the right one and begin customizing it.

From here, you will have the wand customization ability unlocked for Hogwarts Legacy and you can change the color and shape of your wand however you like.