This article is a complete walkthrough on how to defeat Adamantine Forge Boss Grym easily in Baldur’s Gate 3. To face Grym, make your party stand on the platform opposite the Lava Valve and ungroup your party.
Make sure all the companions (party) have the misty steps spell.
Send one of your party members to the lava valve to cause the lava to flow. You must maintain the lava flowing through the lava valve to supercharge Grym
Grym only takes bludgeon damage when supercharged from lava.
Once Grym has been supercharged, your objective should be to drag him to the center of the forge, towards the middle platform for bludgeon damage. Grym does not need to be immediately beneath the piston since the area of influence of the piston’s smash is fairly large.
Grym will target the last character that strikes it, so attack him with someone on the other side of the center platform.
Once Grym is close to the middle platform, use the misty step to reach the lever and trigger the forge lever, which drops the piston and causes a massive amount of damage.
Repeat this process multiple times to quickly defeat Grym and collect your adamantine weapon.