This article will guide you on How to Find Hunter in an Orb in Anime Champions Simulator (ACS).
To find Hunter in an orb in Anime Champions Simulator, you need to take a quest from the Commander, who is located in the newly added area, the Land Of Giants.

Find Hunter in an Orb
Talk to the Commander to initiate the quest; he will ask you to find Hunter in an orb. To locate Hunter in an orb in the Anime Champions Simulator, you need to find the Titan Orb first.

As the quest starts, go down and take a right turn to find the Titan Orb. Then, you need to turn on Auto. By activating auto mode, your character will automatically search for Hunter in the designated orbs. It is recommended to use a lock boost to speed up the process.

It’s essential to keep opening orbs until you find Hunter. The time required to find Hunter may vary based on individual luck. It might take time because it is very rare.