The new Pet Simulator 99 edition includes 100+ Areas to unlock and 99 Pets to claim. To claim all of the areas and pets, the player must first access the Castle, which requires the collection of the Castle Key. This guide will teach you how to obtain the Castle Key in Pet Simulator 99.
The Castle is located in Area 3 and can be opened using the Castle Key. Look on the left side of Area 3 for a castle with a large padlock with a yellow exclamation point. This denotes the place where Castle Key can be used.

Go to Area 25 in the game where you need to rebirth to find the Castle Key. In Area 25, there is a large golden statue named Rebirth One. Simply click on this statue and select the rebirth option to rebirth.

You will re-enter the world after Rebirth, and the player will already have the Castle Key as the reward. Go to Area 3 and use the key on the padlock on the Castle.