This guide shows how to get Phione in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl (BDSP). You can obtain Phione by breeding a Manaphy with Ditto. First, I will show how to get Manaphy and Ditto. Then I will show how to breed them to get Phione.

How to get Manaphy
Players will be able to get Manaphy egg for free until 21st February 2022 by unlocking the ‘Mystery Gift‘ Option. To unlock the Mystery Gift, go and enter the TV Station Tower at the southwest portion of Jubilife City as shown in the picture below. Go to the third floor (3F on Elevator) of the TV Station Tower and talk to the ‘TV Producer’ NPC. He will ask you what kind of TV programs do you like. Answer with the “Everyone Happy Wi-Fi Connection” option. This will unlock the Mystery Gift Option.
Once the option is unlocked, open the menu and select the ‘Mystery Gift’ option. Here you will see two options to receive Mystery Gifts: Get via Internet and Get with Code/Password. Until 21st February 2022, you will be able to receive a Manaphy Egg using the ‘Get via Internet’ option. Add the Manaphy egg to your team and walk enough steps for the egg to hatch.
How to get Ditto
To be able to find Ditto, first, you will need the National Pokedex and the Poke Radar. After finishing the Pokemon League, and registering all 150 Pokemon to the Sinnoh Pokedex, go and talk to the Professor in Sandgem town to get the National Pokedex and the Poke Radar. Then you will be able to find Ditto in Route 218 and Crystal Biome in the Grand underground.
Ditto Location 1: Route 218
Go to Route 218 as shown in the picture below. Go into the bushes shown in the second picture below and use the Poke Radar. This will make a few of the bushes move. Go into a moving bush to initiate a fight. There is a 20% chance that you will encounter Ditto here. You might have to do it several times to finally encounter Ditto.

Ditto Location 2: Grand Underground Crystal Biome
To reach the Underground Crystal Biome, go to the Celestic Town and use the Explorer Kit to reach the Grand Underground. Click here to see how to go to Grand Underground.

In the Grand Underground, go to the location marked with a big crystal on the mini-map as shown below. Here you will find the Crystal Biome. Inside the Crystal Biome, there is a 10% chance that you might encounter Ditto. You might have to come back here several times to finally encounter Ditto.

How to get Phione
Once you have a Manaphy and Ditto, go to the Pokémon Nursery in the Sinnoh region’s Solaceon Town as shown below. Go inside and talk to the lady in the reception. Check Manaphy and Ditto into the nursery and then come back later to get a Phione Egg. Add the Phione egg to your team and walk enough steps for the egg to hatch.