This guide explains how to obtain the poncho (blanket) for Elliot to fix the tracker in the game of STRAY (2022). Follow the instructions in the article below to get a poncho.
As the situation unfolds, Elliot (the programmer) needs a poncho so that it can fix Doc’s broken tracker. You need to trade Super Spirit detergent with the Merchant to receive the electric cable. Then give the electric cable to Grandma who in return will make a poncho for you.

How to find Super Spirit detergent
The detergent is in the Super Spirit laundromat. The laundromat shop has a bright red neon sign at its door, but you cannot directly enter inside. Below is the Super Spirit laundromat building location, while standing at the intersection.

Use the air-conditioning units around the corner to make your way onto the roof. On the roof you will find two robots – Vapora and Mito – throwing paint buckets from one roof to another. Time the Meow to interrupt them mid-throw and cause them to drop the paint.

Next, go down to find Kosma cleaning up the spilled paint at the laundromat’s entrance. Slip past Kosma and through the open doorway into Super Spirit laundromat.

The Super Spirit detergent is on top of the table to the immediate left of the door beside a window.

Trade Electric cable
The merchant is located right of the NPCs at the intersection. Trade Super Spirit detergent for the electric cable.

Give Electric cable to Grandma
From the intersection, take the alleyway left of the Super Spirit laundromat building and go past the stairs. You will find Grandma sitting on a chair at the end of the alleyway. (Alternatively, from Elliot’s location, go right to find Grandma )

Give her the electric cable and she’ll give you a poncho.