How To Infiltrate Gorak’s Base In Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws: How To Infiltrate Gorak’s Base

This guide shows how to complete the Infiltrate Gorak’s Base objective for the Underworld quest in Star Wars Outlaws, released on 30th August 2024. When the objective starts, go to the location marked in the picture below. There you will find a small vent as shown in the second picture below. Enter the vent and go out through the other side.

After dropping down from the vent, go left behind the guards as shown in the picture below.

Then go down the stairs as shown in the picture below and hide behind the handrail.

Wait for the guards to move away and then jump down the handrails and enter the room on the left side as shown in the picture below.

Exit the room and go right as shown below. Then proceed ahead hugging the left wall as shown in the second picture below. Hind behind the barrels when the path ends.

While hiding behind the barrels, wait for the guard ahead to turn around. Then proceed ahead as shown below.

Climb up the wall grating in the next room as shown in the picture below.

After reaching the top of the wall grating, use the rails on the wall to climb up as shown in the picture below. Proceed ahead and unlock the door on the right side. Enter the room and open the small vent there. Go through the vent and exit from the other side.

After exiting the vent, jump down to the platform below. Then use the ladder to reach the ground as shown in the picture below. Use the button on the pillar ahead to call the Turbolift as shown in the second picture below.

Now climb back up the ladder and go to the platform on the right side as shown in the picture below. proceed ahead and use Nix to call another Turbolift as shown in the second picture below.

Now use the left side platform to reach the wall grating ahead as shown below. Then use the rails on the wall to climb up as shown in the second picture below.

Now enter the giant vent ahead as shown below. Go right inside the vent. You will find the path blocked by a rotating fan. Go to the opening near the fan and use Nix to open the shutter ahead as shown in the second picture below. Shoot the generator inside the shutter. This will stop the fan.

Proceed ahead and exit the giant vent from the door on the right side. Then go left and use the grappling hook to jump across the gap as shown below. Then climb up the ladder on the right side. This will complete the objective.

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