This is a step-by-step guide on How to Open the Temple of Bhaal Solid Door in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3). To open this door you need an Amulet of Bhaal.
Start the Quest (Investigate the Murders)
To can get “Amulet of Bhaal” from the quest “Investigate the Murders“. To initiate the quest, go to the third floor of Fraygo’s Flophouse. This building is just across the Span of Wyrm’s Crossing waypoint.

On the third floor open the locked wardrobe to reveal a hidden room behind it. There is a Bloodstain Parchment on a table which is the Bhaalist Target list. Once you receive the Bhaalist list from the room, it automatically starts the “Investigate the Murders” quest in BG3

Show the target list to Valeria
Proceed to Sharess’ Caress and speak with Inspector Valeria. She’s a flying elephant who can be found on the second level of Sharess’ Caress. This location is exactly opposite Fraygo’s Flophouse.

Select: “Tell her about the murder target list you found”
She will give you the lower city pass and also disclose Constable Devalla’s location in Elfsong Tavern.

Talk to Gauntlet Devella
Go to the Elfsong Tavern, which is northwest of your current position. Enter the tavern and speak with guard Fist Rusk, who is standing near the stairs.

Talk to her and choose the dialogue: “Tell her about the murder target list you found”.

Pass through the guards to the second floor and then walk into the little room to locate Devella.

Gauntlet Devalla will hand over responsibility for saving the persons on the list to you. In the meanwhile, she will decide to seek the upper city alone.

Find the Victims on the Bhaalist Target List
You can try your hand at first saving three surviving targets and investigate one dead target later.
Chef Rover
He is in the kitchen of the Elfsong Tavern. Go downstairs and into the kitchen. Talk to him and choose just the following dialogue choice before leaving to save the next victim.

Cora Highberry
She is located outside a big house southeast of Elfsong Tavern, which is hosting the wine festival. Speak to her and just use the following dialogue.
“Poison. Beauteous. Sickly. Delicate”.

At this time Dolor will come and will threaten to murder you and your party for spoiling his fun. Kill all the assassins at the wine festival and loot their bodies to gain the Tombstone Shop Key.

Chase down the serial killer
Figaro Pennygood
He is located inside Facemaker’s Boutique area, east of Baldur’s Gate fast travel point. Enter the building and go through the large double doors on the right corner.

You will find Dolor assaulting Figaro Pennygood. Defeat the 4 assassins and then search Dolor’s body to find a Hand Bag and a note.

The handbag contains the victim’s hands and a note that contains the potential location of the Bhaalist Cult inside Candulhallow’s Tombstones.

Enter Candulhallow’s Tombstones
To discover the Candulhallow’s Tombstones, head to the Basilisk Gate Fast Travel point near the entrance of the Lower Cities within Baldur’s Gate 3.

From the Basilisk Gate Fast Travel point, head far right and enter the building. Then navigate to the third room with some interactive objects.

To unveil the hidden entrance, approach the painting and remove it to reveal a button. Click on the button to access the secret path.

Click the button, and you can now enter the secret area, using the code you pick from Dolor’s note. Code – Sicarius.

Infiltrate the murder tribunal
Go down the stairs from the entrance and then turn right. Continue until you reach a dead end. Open the door to the right to enter Tribunal Antechamber.

Talk to the guard at the murder tribunal and hand over the bag to him. Select the following dialogue option.
“I killed to be here. And took the victim’s hand as proof”.

Pass the guards to enter Murder Tribunal. Speak with Sarevok Anchev and accompany him to the hidden chamber. You will find Valeria here chained to the ground.

Kill Sarevok & Release Valeria
At this time, you will have two choices. Either kill Valeria and become unholy in order to join the ranks of the assassins, or kill Sarevok Anchev in order to free Valeria from her awful destiny. To start a combat, use the following response.
“Blood will be spilt, Sarevok. I will slaughter you”.

Battle and kill Sarevok. Loot his body to receive the Sword of Chaos, Sarevok’s Horned Helmet, Amulet of Bhaal, Map to Bhaal Temple, and Abattoir Key. Finally, cut Valeria’s chains and set her free using your sword.
Finally, return to the large doors to the Temple of Bhaal and Press the Amulet of Bhaal against the door when prompted.