This guide shows how to plant Dreambloom Seeds in the ‘Dreams of Bloom’ Event in Genshin Impact. The event starts on 12th November 2021 at 10:00 AM Server Time. The event will continue till 18th November 2021. Click here to see the complete guide of the ‘Dreams of Bloom’ Event.

Get Dreambloom Seeds
Talk to Sakuya in Inazuma City. You will be able to get Dreambloom Seeds from her in exchange for some items. There are three types of flower seeds you can get from Sakuya in this event: Star Hibiscus Seed, Pearlbell Seed, and Silkpod Seed. You can redeem only once per day and you can get 6 seeds every day. If you don’t like the flower seeds that are available in your world for that day, you can go to someone else’s world and get other types of seeds.

Plant Dreambloom Seeds
After you have Dreambloom Seeds, place Serenitea Pot on the ground and enter the realm within it. You will get Serenitea Pot as a reward for completing ‘A Teapot to Call Home‘ quest. ‘A Teapot to Call Home‘ quest will be unlocked after reaching Adventure Rank 28 and completing the ‘A New Star Approaches‘ Archon Quest.

When you are inside the realm, click on the hand icon on the top of the screen as shown in the picture below.

Then select the Luxuriant Glebe landform and place it at the location where you want to plant the seeds (See the pictures below). You can purchase Luxuriant Glebe from Realm Depot for 300 Realm Currency. Talk to Tubby inside the Serenitea Pot to access Realm Depot Shop Menu.

After you have placed the Luxuriant Glebe landform, plant the Dreambloom Seeds on it. The flower will grow in 10 minutes. Once the flower is grown, harvest it to get Dreambloom Flower.