Star Wars Outlaws: How to Reach HD05-G Circuit | Star Wars Outlaws
This guide shows how to reach the HD05-G Circuit in the Smuggler’s Hideout in the Tosharan Mountains in Star Wars Outlaws, released on 30th August 2024.

Smuggler’s Hideout Location
To reach the Smuggler’s Hideout, go to the location marked by a yellow arrow in the pictures below.

Look west from the marked location, and you will see a giant ramp as shown in the picture below. Ride your speeder towards the ramp and use the boost to maximize the speed. The ramp will make the bike jump across the gap and reach the area on the other side.

After landing on the other side, get off the bike and climb up the wall ahead. Then climb another wall and go right. There you will see a breakable rock as shown in the picture below. Use the Blast Module to break the rock, revealing a narrow path. If you don’t have the blast module yet, then proceed in the main story until you get it.

Squeeze through the narrow path to reach the other side. Then jump across the gap in the ground. Now go left and climb the wall ahead. You will reach a rotating fan. Use the Blast module to break the rock on the left side of the fan, revealing a switch as shown in the picture below. Use the switch to power off the fan. Now go through the fan to reach the Smuggler’s Hideout (Mountain Hideout).

Get HD05-G Circuit
On reaching the Smuggler’s Hideout, you will see a locked door. The door can be unlocked by starting the three fans in the area. Go down the slope to see a fan blocked by a rock as shown in the picture below. Break this rock to start the fan.

To start the second fan, you need to pull the two switches in front of it simultaneously as shown in the picture below. Instruct Nix to pull one switch and you pull the other one to start the fan.

To start the third fan, go to its left as shown in the picture below, and climb the wall there. Look through the window there and instruct Nix to power on the fan as shown in the second picture below. This will unlock the locked door. Go inside and open the treasure chest to get a New Blaster Key part HD05-G Circuit. This completes the Mountain Hideout Area.