Star Wars Outlaws: How to Reach the Durafiber Fabric
This guide shows how to reach the Durafiber Fabric in the Crimson Dawn Hideout in the Toshara region in Star Wars Outlaws, released on 30th August 2024. Durafiber Fabric is a key part for making Selo Rovak’s Scoundrel’s Pouch.

How to get the Durafiber Fabric
Go to the location south of Crimson Dawn Hideout, marked by a yellow arrow in the picture below. Look north from the marked location, and you will see a giant ramp as shown in the second picture below. Ride your speeder towards the ramp and use the boost to maximize the speed. The ramp will make the bike jump across the gap and reach the area on the other side. This is a difficult jump and might a few tries before you succeed in crossing the gap.

After landing, you will see a climbable mountain straight ahead. Climb up the wall. Then turn right and climb up another wall. Proceed ahead and jump across the gap as shown in the picture below.

After crossing the gap, immediately turn right and climb up the wall. Then proceed ahead and jump across the gap as shown in the picture below. This will take you to the Crimson Dawn Hideout.

Hide in the bushes and proceed north. Soon you will reach a door as shown in the picture below. Take out the guard standing outside the door. Then unlock the door and go inside. There you will find the treasure chest. Open it to get Durafiber Fabric.