‘Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates’ is one of the six Domains introduced in the newly introduced region of Inazuma in Genshin Impact 2.0. Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates’ is under the water north of Narukami island at the location shown in the picture below. You will also find Perpetual Mechanical Array Boss near the domain.
Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates: This tengu annex dwelling that floats upon the sea like a lonesome boat once played host to the somewhat famous “Yougou Three,” and this would later become the cage in which they, having despaired, spent the rest of their days.

There are two ways to reach the Perpetual Mechanical Array location. One way is by dropping inside the tower at Araumi. This method is very long and tedious. Another method is to take a portal through Jinren Island. The Jinren Island way is very easy and fast. In this article, I will show how to teleport to the Perpetual Mechanical Array location and from there go to the ‘Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates’ Domain.
Step 1: Take the boat at Araumi
Go to the waverider waypoint at the north side of Araumi as shown in the picture below and call the boat.

Step 2: Go to Jinren Island
Take the waverider to the Jinren island and climb on the little mountain with an Electrogranum Summon point at the top as shown in the picture below.

Step 3: Summon Electrogranum
Climb the little mountain at Jinren Island and summon Electrogranum

Step 4: Take Portal
After summoning Electrogranum press ‘T’ on the keyboard to reach the portal as shown in the picture below. The Portal will then teleport you in front of the Perpetual Mechanical Array.

Step 5: Solve Floor Tile Puzzle 1
After you have defeated Perpetual Mechanical Array, climb the wall with thick plant vines and get up the stairs. There you will find a floor tile. Standing on the tile will bring up more floor tiles. You will now need to switch on all the floor tiles by standing on them. First, run over the outer ring of floor tiles and then the inner ring to switch on all the tiles.

Step 6: Solve Floor Tile Puzzle 2
Switching on all the tiles will remove the security shield from the block at the center. Interact with it to open the Iron Gate. Go inside the Iron Gate. Inside the room, you will find another floor tile. Standing on the tile will bring up more floor tiles. You will now need to switch on all the floor tiles by standing on them. Same as before, first run over the outer ring of floor tiles and then the inner ring to switch on all the tiles.

Switching on all the tiles will remove the security shield from the block at the center. Interact with it and the gate to ‘Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates Domain’ will emerge from the ground.