This walkthrough guide will show you how to solve Rosymorn Monastery Puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3. The Rosymorn Monastery’s stained glass chamber contains four windows, each with a stone pedestal in front of them. You must gather three weapons scattered about the monastery to solve the puzzle: Rusty Mace, Ceremonial Warhammer, and Ceremonial Battleaxe. Once you acquire all three weapons, you must place each weapon on the correct pedestal to reveal a secret safe.

Where to find the Ceremonial Battleaxe in BG3
Exit the stained glass chamber and look for a tree and a damaged section of the path. Cross to the other side and go forward until you notice a shining door.

Enter the room by jumping over the debris that is blocking the door. Inside the room, you’ll find the Ceremonial Battleaxe and an active Guardian of Faith spell. After defeating the Guardian, take the Ceremonial Battleaxe.

Where to find the Ceremonial Warhammer in BG3
Exit the Guardian’s room and turn left. Interact with the roots to climb to the top. In this location, you will encounter both the Ancient Eagle and the Giant Eagle. Eliminate them in order to acquire the Ceremonial Warhammer.

Where to find the Rusty Mace in BG3
‘Rusy Mace’ is located two levels under Ceremonial Warhammer, adjacent to a pile of stone debris. Climb down the Roots to the floor below. Pass through the wooden door directly behind you and descend the broken set of steps ahead.

Head right at the bottom of the stairs until you notice the wooden barrier concealing a wide gap in the wall. Destroy the barrier, enter the room, and proceed up the stairs to your left to find the Rusty Mace on the ground near some stone debris.

How to throw the weapons and solve the Stained Glass Puzzle
Having collected all three weapons, make your way back to the room with the stained glass window. In order to complete the Stained Glass Puzzle, you’ll need to strategically place the Rusty Mace, Ceremonial Warhammer, and Ceremonial Battleaxe as follows:
- Dawnmaster Stockhold: Throw the Rusty Mace on the pedestal located to the right of the entrance.
- Dawnmaster Vaseid: Throw the Ceremonial Battleaxe to the left of the entrance.
- Dawnmaster Seed: Throw the Ceremonial Warhammer on the remaining pedestal located at the rear of the room.

With all four weapons properly positioned on their respective pedestals, a hidden compartment will be revealed on the wall adjacent to the sword. Within this compartment, you will find a pouch containing a letter and the Dawnmaster’s Crest.