This article will guide you on how to unlock the Facet of Defiance in Destiny 2. The Defiance facet is one facet used to unlock the Prismatic subclass in Destiny 2.
Also Read: How to unlock 100% of the Prismatic subclass in Destiny 2
Head to the Impass Landing Zone and continue towards the transgression area.

Once you’re in the wide-open area with a statue, turn left and enter the cave near the big pink crystal.

Inside the cave, use the darkness mote to shield yourself. You’ll find the Prismatic fragment chest at the end of the cave. To open it, you’ll need a Transgressive Prismatic key.

To obtain this key, activate the nearby node to spawn enemies. Defeat them to receive the Transgressive Prismatic key.

Use this key to unlock the chest and acquire the Facet of Defiance.