How to Solve Jarnsmida Pitmines Puzzles
This guide shows how to solve all the Puzzles in the Jarnsmida Pitmines area of God of War Ragnarok. You have to solve these puzzles during the Search the Mines for Tyr objective in The Quest for Tyr quest.
Jarnsmida Pitmines Water Puzzle 1
As you enter Jarnsmida Pitmines, climb down the wall and you will see the path blocked with a wooden cart. Freeze the wooden trough above the cart as shown in the picture below. This will make the water overflow and fall on the wooden cart, making it come down. Then jump over the cart to reach the other side, where you will find a Nornir Chest.

Jarnsmida Pitmines Nornir Chest Puzzle
To unlock the Nornir chest, you need to ignite three torches. Torch #1 is next to the Nornir Chest as shown in the picture below. Press L2+R2 to ignite the torch.

After igniting the first torch, turn left and jump down. Here you will see another torch (Torch #3) as shown in the picture below. Don’t ignite it for now. Turn left from the waterwheel instead to see Torch #2 as shown in the second picture below. Use the grapplehook to swing near the torch and then ignite it.

Now swing back to reach Torch #3. Here, you will see water falling down from the waterwheel. Throw your axe at the edge of the wooden trough as shown in the picture below to freeze the water. Now ignite Torch #3 to unlock the Nornir Chest. Make sure to not summon back the axe, otherwise the water will start falling down and extinguish the torch. Now go back to the chest and open it to get an Idunn Apple.

Jarnsmida Pitmines Water Puzzle 2
From the Nornir Chest, turn right and proceed ahead. After a little while, make Arteus climb up the platform ahead and direct him to turn the lever as shown in the picture below. This will make the gear turn. The gear will move a platform. Freeze the gear when the platform is in a horizontal position as shown in the second picture below.

Then jump and proceed ahead. Go under the giant rock in front of you. Now turn right and pull the lever up ahead as shown in the picture below. This will make the giant rock ahead of you move up. Go ahead under the rock. Then turn back and freeze the wooden trough as shown in the second picture below. This will make the giant rock come down. Then climb up the rock and call back the axe. This will make the giant rock go up again. Now you can jump to reach the gate and open it.

Jarnsmida Pitmines Legendary Chest Puzzle
After opening the gate, proceed ahead until you get a cutscene with Sindri at the location shown in the picture below.

Before entering the mines ahead of you, turn right and proceed on the path until you reach some blockage as shown in the picture below. Hit the explosive barrel to remove the blockage.

On the right side of the blockage, you will see a lever as shown in the picture below. Pull this lever to move the wooden trough. This will make a giant block come over as shown in the second picture below. Climb up the giant block and then turn around and freeze the mouth of the wooden trough as shown in the third picture below. This will make the giant block move back and it will take you to the other side. Jump down from the giant block and proceed ahead to get the legendary chest and an artefact.