This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on where to find all Mokoko seeds at the Loghill. Mokoko Seeds are a special type of collectible scattered across the continents. You can exchange Mokoko Seeds for unique rewards at specific intervals. The Loghill is located in the continent of Rethramis. There are 9 Mokoko Seeds to find on Loghill.

#1 Mokoko Seed
The first Mokoko seed is located at the bottom right area of the map as marked. It is placed near the ruined wall and pillar.

#2 Mokoko Seed
Mokoko Seed is placed on the green grass of Loghill, near a flat stone. Refer to the below image to locate the exact location.

#3-4 Mokoko Seed
It is located in the Archbishop Statue Ruins area. First, kill all the enemies that spawn closest to the statue to unlock a secret jump spot near the left wall as shown in the below picture. Use the jump spot to cross over and walk along the ruined wall to collect one mokoko seed and the other in the same spot nearby.

#5 Mokoko Seed
Located south of the previous location near a ruined wall. Defeat all the enemies before collecting the seed.

#6 Mokoko Seed
Located on the western side of a bridge. Mokoko seed is located on the ground near the railing of the bridge. This uppermost region of Loghill is only accessible after completing the “Restore the Street” quest.

#7 Mokoko Seed
Mokoko Seed is located in the Kolsh Valley region of Loghill is just south of Kolsh Ruins, on the eastern side as marked on the map. Mokoko Seed is tucked into the trees. Walk into the trees and search the area for the “Look” icon.

#8-9 Mokoko Seed
These seeds are located in Fogwoods Crypt area of Loghill, behind a doorway made of vines. The last two Mokoko Seeds on the Loghill area can only be found after you acquired the Forest’s Minuet Song/sheet. Complete the “It’s Okay, Miss Fairy” quest to get Forest’s Minuet Song, which unlocks the secret passage to the two Mokoko Seeds in Fogwoods Crypt.