This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to complete the objective “Look for the ring that was stolen from Taliesin” of the world quest “Stolen, by the Rightful Owner” in Genshin Impact 2.6.
Stolen, by the Rightful Owner
You can initiate this quest after completing the quest “Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering”. At the entrance of The Chasm, you’ll find a bard from Monstadt named Taliesin (NPC). He will ask for your help in recovering a Brass Ring.
Look for the ring that was stolen from Taliesin
As the quest start, your goal is to find the precious ring that was stolen from Taliesin by a Weasel. Head to Glaze Peak in Liyu as marked by the quest marker, where you’ll find a Treasure Hoarder tent with a sparkling book.

Once you reach the area, you will just see a few weasels running around. The game doesn’t mention anything which seems to be quite confusing.

Go to the nearby tent and read the book to read about the next clue. The book contains the Treasure Hoarders’ notes, which specify the Weasel feeding schedule. Your goal is to find the Golden Weasel, which only appears from 00:00 to 1:59.
Next, change your in-game time of the clock until it’s about 00:30 and climb onto the rock behind with a glowing Investigate spot and interact with it to whistle.

Whistle to summon the Golden Weasel Thief. Attack it to obtain a Brass Ring. You need to be quick here to beat the Golden Weasel. Finally, bring the ring back to Taliesin to complete the World Quest.