Lord of the Waterway Location | Separate Ways | Resident Evil 4 DLC (RE4)

This article will guide you on where to find the Lord of the Waterway in Chapter 5 of Resident Evil 4 DLC (RE4)

Where to find the Lord of the Waterway in Chapter 5

As you navigate Resident Evil 4‘s Separate Ways DLC, you find yourself in Gregorio’s Waterway in Chapter 5. At this point in the game, you’ll get a merchant request to track down and kill Lord of the Waterway. 

Lord of the Waterway is a fish in Gregorio’s Waterway. To get to the Lord of the Waterway in Separate Ways, you must first drain the water in Gregorio’s Waterway.

After picking up the merchant request, continue through the linear pathway until you come across a wheel you can turn that will drain the water in the area. Return to the merchant’s room and descend a ladder into the knee-deep water.

After you find yourself in water up to your knees, follow the path to the right and navigate through the broken wall. Proceed to the left path once you’ve passed through the broken wall. Afterward, circle around the central pillar within this room. Soon, you’ll reach a point where you can crouch and slip through a narrow opening at the end of the room.

On the other side look carefully in the water to find a large fish. This fish is the Lord of the Waterway. Kill it, then loot its corpse.

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