This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to complete the main quest “A Nose For News” in the game Lost Ark.
How to start the quest: A Nose For News
To start the quest “A Nose for News”, players need to speak to two NPCs at the Origins of Stern area in the Arthetine region. At first, talk to Editor-in-Chief Phillan Kaiman at the Business District of Origins of Stern.

Hoyte News
As the quest start, talk to Reporter Mathias in the same location (Origins of Stern). He will tell you about Slimy technology which is not good and direct the player to the region of Nebelhorn for further investigation.
Talk to Lab Director Yulia
After speaking with Mathias, head to Nebelhorn area in the Arthetine region and speak with speak to Lab Directo Yulia at Nebelhorn Lab. She will tell you that the water temperature in the Nebelhorn Oasis is abnormal last month, and she will ask you to take new measurements to be sure.

Investigate the Oasis water temperature
Use triport to travel to the Oasis located on the northwestern side of Nebelhorn, as marked on the map. At the oasis investigate at three different locations. These investigations will reveal abnormal levels of temperature. I have marked the location on the map below.

Follow the suspicious presence
Now, you need to expose the suspicious presence and uncover the location of the Suspicious Tech Branch Employee. Here the exact location is not marked in the game. Use Magick Flow Detector next to the scattered bones until you receive the “Follow the suspicious presence” pop-up message on the screen.

Search the area around the waterfall
Scan using the Magick Flow Detector and continue following the suspicious presence to the north until you reach the waterfall. Use Magick Detector on the waterfall to reveal a hidden NPC.

Talk to the Suspicious Tech Branch Employee
Once you find the Suspicious Tech Branch Employee at the waterfall interact with him. Initially, he won’t say anything. Use the interrogate emotion to investigate him and he will tell you everything about his wrongdoings.

Talk to Lab Director Yulia
After investigating the Suspicious Tech Branch Employee, head back to the Nebelhorn lab and speak with Yulia about your investigation.
Call Journalist Mathias
Finally, after speaking with Yulia, interact with the communicator at Nebelhorn lab to call Mathias.
Ask for the cooperation of Treasure Sasha
To end the quest, head to the Municipal District in the Origins of Stern area in the Arthetine region Follow the purple quest marker and interact with Sasha.