This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to collect Mokoko Seeds at Sapira Cave in the game Lost Ark. Mokoko Seeds are a special type of collectible scattered across the continents. Lakebar is located in the continent of Yudia. These are 9 Mokoko Seeds available at Lakebar.
#1 Mokoko Seed
It is located in the lower part of the area at the marked location. Head to the dead to collect the Mokoko seed near the cliff edge.

#2 Mokoko Seed
It is located near the southeastern part of the map at the marked location. Mokoko seed is near a fire torch.

#3 Mokoko Seed
Head to the marked location. Mokoko seed is front of a wooden fence after crossing a small stream of water.

#4 Mokoko Seed
Head west from the previous location. At the end of the trail, a mokoko seed is lying on the ground in front of a blazing torch.

#5-6 Mokoko Seed
The next two Mokoko seeds are hidden behind a secret passage. To open the secret passage, a player need to pull two level swtiches. I have marked both the switch and path location on the map. Once you open the secret passage, follow the path till the end to find two mokoko seeds.

#7 Mokoko Seed
It is located near a circular structure at the marked location. Mokoko seed is hidden well within some surbs.

#8-9 Mokoko Seed
The final two Seeds can be found by simply walking through a solid rock wall. Refer to below image to find the exact location of the wall.