This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know where to find the world boss Wili Wili and how to defeat it in Lost Ark. Wili Wili spawn every thirty minutes in random locations with a high level of extremely HP. This guide article will take you through the process of where to find a world boss named ‘Wili-Wili’ and how the process to defeat it.
Where to Find Wili-Wili in Lost Ark
Wili-Wili boss usually spawns in the northern part of Sun bright Hill on the continent of East Luterra. I have marked the exact location on the map below. You will have to progress the game’s story first to unlock both East Luterra and the Sunbright Hill

There is a chance Wili-Wili wouldn’t have spawned yet if you do visit the location. So you can keep revisiting until the boss spawns. Normally Wili-Wili has a respawn timer of 30 minutes. Wili-Wili is certainly an excellent boss to battle and you will be gaining all of the precious loot and experience points from the battle after defeating the world boss.
How To Defeat Wili-Wili
Wili Wili is the fourth world boss in Lost Ark. Wili Wili is a mutated pumpkin turned into this evil creature. It has an incredible stat of level 29 and 1419432 hit points with 23 life bars. It is highly recommended that you do not face Wili Wili alone. Instead, have a group of friends or random players join together to defeat the boss.
Wili Wili has a power scythe and spins it around as soon as you get close to it along with a devastating AOE attack. It usually swings its scythe around to deal damage in a large area around itself.

It can also move during a scythe spin like a tornado. It can send out miniature versions of itself to perform the same move, which also explodes, causing damage to anyone in their AOE.