This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on where to find all Mokoko seeds at the Lullaby Island. Mokoko Seeds are a special type of collectible scattered across the continents. You can exchange Mokoko Seeds for unique rewards at specific intervals. There are 4 Mokoko Seeds to find on Lullaby Island.

#1 Mokoko Seed
The first Mokoko seed can be found on the island’s southeastern past as pointed on the map. It’s hidden in a little bush.

#2 Mokoko Seed
This is located near the center part of the island as marked on the map. It is hidden behind some bushes and fern.

#3-4 Mokoko Seed
To access the next two mokoko seeds on Lullaby Island, a player needs to participate in a Co-op Quest/Event at a secret area. Co-op Quest/Event is held at a secret area on Lullaby Island, which is marked on your map with the silver hands symbol. You can hover your mouse over the hand and it will give you a countdown until the area will open. It normally opens every other hour.

Head to the entrance and wait for the Co-op Quest/Event to begin. Once the event starts a player will be prompted to play Song of Resonance to remove the giant vines that are blocking the entrance. Since it is a Co-op quest it’s not compulsory to play the song.

When the area opens up, head inside the secret area to collect the next two mokoko seeds lying on the ground.