This guide shows the location of all Collectibles (Bots & Puzzle Pieces) in the Machine Learning area in the Astro Bot game, released on 6th September 2024.
Puzzle 1/3
You will get it during the flying section, being carried by a Tallneck as shown in the picture below.

Bot 1/5
After landing, proceed ahead to the checkpoint. Then climb up the ramp ahead and go right. Shoot the beam at the column icon as shown in the picture below. Walk on the beam and climb up the cliff to rescue the bot there.

Bot 2/5
Proceed ahead and break the rock blocking the path. Then shoot the balloon on the right side to rescue the bot.

Puzzle 2/3
Proceed ahead to the next checkpoint. Then climb the wall ahead and go left as shown in the picture below. From the edge, shoot the cage on the mountain far away as shown in the second picture below. This will give you a puzzle piece.

Bot 3/5
Proceed a little and you will reach a cave. Before exiting the cave, turn around and look up to find a bot as shown in the picture below. Shoot to rescue it.

Puzzle 3/3
Exit the cave and go left. There in the corner, you will find a small opening. Shoot the green barrel from the opening, causing an explosion. This will create an opening to go inside and get the puzzle piece there.

Bot 4/5
After exiting the cave, go left to rescue the bot shown in the picture below.

Bot 5/5
Continue in the level until you reach a red room as shown in the picture below. After entering the room, climb down the rope and immediately turn around to find the bot.