This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to make Unmoving Essential Oils in Genshin Impact 2.6. You need Unmoving Essential Oils to complete the objective ” Make 3 Special Unmoving Essential Oils ” to complete the world quest “The Heavenly Stone’s Debris“
How to make Special Unmoving Essential Oils
While progressing through the world quest “The Heavenly Stone’s Debris”, you need to give 3 x Special Unmoving Essential Oils to an NPC named Clitopho. Special Unmoving Essential Oil is a potion that can be crafted through a Crafting Bench. It is used to increase all party members’ Geo DMG.

How to Cook Special Unmoving Essential Oils
You need 2 x Cor Lapis and 2 x Frogs to make 1 x Special Unmoving Essential Oils. So as per the quest objective three Special Unmoving Essential Oils and for that you need 6 x Cor Lapis and 6 x frogs.

Cor Lapis
Cor Lapis is a Local Specialty found in the wild all over Liyue. Cor Lapis can be harvested after breaking the outer shell of Cor Lapis nodes, which are found at the base of cliffs and in caves and mines throughout Liyue. You can also purchase Cor Lapis from Changshun, the merchant in Liyue Harbor.