Manor Cape: All Collection Chests Locations | Hogwarts Legacy

This guide shows how to get all collection chests in the Manor Cape area in the Hogwarts Legacy game, which was released on 10th February 2023. There are a total of 7 collection chests in the Manor Cape area.

1) Collection Chest

Fast travel to the Bainburgh Floo Flames as marked on the map. There are 4 chests in Bainburgh Hamlet. The first collection chest is near the vendor shop on the left side from the fast travel point.

2) Collection Chest

The collection box is located within the house, directly in front of the fast-travel. Use Alohomora spell to enter the house. Collection Chest is on the right side immediately after entering the house.

3) Collection Chest

The chest is inside a small hut just south of the previous location

4) Collection Chest

Head to the east from the previous location. Use Alohomora spell to enter the house marked on the map. Collection Chest is on the right side of the door immediately after entering the house.

5) Collection Chest

Head to the bandit camp marked on the map. The chest is inside a tent. Bandit camp is east of the West Manor Cape Floo Flames.

6) Collection Chest

Head to the bandit camp marked on the map. The chest is inside a tent.

7) Collection Chest

The last collection chest is inside Henrietta’s Hideaway. Head to the location marked on the map and enter the tunnel.

After entering inside, look to your left to find a rotating statue. Cast Confringo to light the fire. This will make the statue rotate to reveal a cube.

Use Accio and Wingardium Leviosa spell to place the cube on the platform. Cast Confringo and Glacius to reveal a hidden door behind the wall.

In the next room, you need to go through the locked door on the left side.

To open the door, cast Confringo to light the fire. This will make the statue rotate. Stand on the platform to get transferred into the next room.

Use Accio and Wingardium Leviosa spell to place the cube on the platform. This will open the locked door. Stand on the platform again to get transferred back to the previous room.

Head into the newly open path.

At the next locked gate, use Accio and Wingardium Leviosa spell to drag and place the cube on the platform. This will open the locked door.

Head inside to grab the chest.

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