This guide shows where to find all collectibles in every location of Artaria in the game – Metroid Dread
Missile Tank #1
This missile tank is part of the guide at the beginning of the game in Artaria. Head to the location indicated in the pics below, where you’ll find a missile tank behind a breakable wall.

Missile Tank #2
It is located just a little further along in Artaria near a locked door. You will reach here naturally just as you finish your introductory E.M.M.I battle.

Missile Tank #3
This missile tank is located to the right on a slippery slope, to the left of Artaria’s save room. You must walk around to the nearby map station, exit through the right doorway, climb up a few ledges, and then turn left through a room with a large red monster. When you exit this room, you’ll find yourself directly behind the previously inaccessible tank.

Energy Tank #1
This Energy Tank is available immediately after grabbing the Charge Beam. Go to the location on the map below, you will be able to easily pick it up.

Missile Tank #4
This missile tank requires the use of the Charge Beam. Once you’ve acquired this Charge Beam, head for the northeastern Network Station in Artaria. Go through the charge door on the upper right of this room and you’ll find the Missile Tank number in the next room.

Missile Tank #5
This is fairly simple to obtain. Proceed to the indicated location. Simply use your Spider Magnet ability to climb a few magnet pads before shooting and shooting out a few blocks from the platform opposite so you can jump over to collect the award.

Energy Part #1
This Energy tank is located in the northwest area of Artaris as marked on the map. Head out to the left of the save room to grab the Energy Part.

Missile+ Tank #1
Located at the Northwest corner of Artaris as marked on the map. Spin below the lower ledge to collect the reward.

Missile Tank #6
Work your way through various routes possible to reach the marked location. Bombing the block and rolling under the gap for the win.

Missile Tank #7
Available west of the save room. Head through the charge door on the upper left of this save room and you’ll find the Missile Tank in the next room.

Missile Tank #8
The Missile tank is located as shown below, in a room just above the eastern save room of Artaris. Enter the hot area shown below, clamber across the magnet padding on the ceiling, watch out for the fire turrets, and grab the item.

Missile Tank #9
It is in the area in the far east of Artaria’s map now after taking an elevator from Cataris. Simply jump off the elevator and head left to enter the hot area we’ve indicated below. Ride the magnet pad on the ceiling across the room and you’ll be able to jump off right on top of this next prize.

Missile Tank #10
This missile tank is hidden behind a wall. Just blast the wall to collect it. The exact location in the map below.

Missile Tank #11
Head right from the previous location to find a v-shaped gap. Stand in the doorway to the left before the v-shaped gap, scan the area to reveal a block hidden right in the top right corner. Use Space Jump to cross the gap and then spin jump to reach the corner.

Missile Tank #12
Located in the middle of Artaria’s now green E.M.M.I zone as pointed on the map. This Missile tank is behind a magnetic barrier. Use a grapple beam to lift the barrier.

Power Bomb Tanks
Power Bomb Tank can be found right at the top of a huge area in Artaria (green E.M.M.I zone). You’ll need to spin jump your way right up to the top and attach to the nearby magnetic strip in order to get it. Eliminate any nearby flying enemies so they can’t knock you down.

Missile Tank #13
Head to the location we’ve marked on the map here(top green E.M.M.I zone), scan the area, and break the blocks in order to jump down and take it.

Missile Tank #14
The missie tank is in the green E.M.M.I zone. Here, you must run straight down the long corridor marked on the map from the right. Charge your speed boost, activate shinespark, and enter the small block space at the end in morph ball form. While still in morph ball form and shinesparking, quickly press B to ballspark and then left. You’ll take off like a bullet, cross the chasm, and blow all the speed blocks on the other side away, freeing up your upgrade.

Missile Tank #15
The missile tank is hidden behind a block. The location is pinpointed in the picture below.

Missile Tank #16
Head to the location pinpointed in the map below. This tank requires you to scan your surroundings in order to reveal the two bomb blocks that sit underneath it. Use your Morph Ball bombs to juggle up and explode these blocks from below and jump up to grab the price.

Missile Tank #17
This next tank requires the Screw Attack upgrade to smash through the blocks keeping it trapped in the westernmost area of the map.

Missile Tank #18
Travel down to the area indicated on the map. Drop in to the water and blow up the weakened piece of the wall by charge blasting.

Missile Tank #19
It comes near to the location where you battle Chozo Soldier boss battle. This one can be found in the location below at the top of an open room.

Missile Tank #20
Travel to the area indicated. The missile tank is at the top of the after few bomb bocks.

Energy Part #2
The next Energy Part we acquired is located in the South-Eastern part of Artaria and is pinpointed in the map below.

Missile+ Tank #2
Head to the marked location on the map. Smash through the rock to find at the end.

Missile Tank #21
It is located in the frozen area of Artaria as marked on the map. Use your scanner to detect the hidden blocks. Slide right through into a tiny space to collect the award.

Missile Tank #22
It is located in the area as marked on the map, just below green E.M.M.I zone.

Energy Tank #2
Located at the extreme north-west corner of Artaria’s map.