This guide shows all the endings of Millicent’s questline. Click here to see the complete walkthrough of Millicent’s questline.
During Millicent’s questline, when you reach Elphael Inner Wall in Haligtree, you will have to fight a Rot Worm miniboss. After defeating the Rot Worm, two summon points (One Red and one Golden) will appear. Based on which summon point you choose, you will get two different endings for the quest.

Ending 1: Challenge Millicent
If you select the red summon symbol, you will go to another world, where you will have to fight and defeat Millicent. After the fight, you will get Millicent’s Prosthesis, which boosts dexterity and raises attack power with successive attacks. If you go back to Gowry, you will find him dead too. You will get Gowry’s bell Bearing and Flock’s Canvas Talisman from his body.

Ending 2: Assist Millicent
If you select the golden summon symbol, you will go to another world, where have to fight and defeat Millicent’s Sisters. After the fight, You will get Rotten Winged Sword Insigia, which raises attack power with successive attacks. After returning back to your world, talk to Mellicent, who will be lying injured. Reload the area and you will find her dead. Collect the Unalloyed Gold Needle from her body. This unlocks a secret ending for the game. Here you can also go back to Gowry for some extra dialogues.

Proceed ahead in the Haligtree and make your way to the Haligtree Roots. Go down the stairs to reach the boss’s lair and defeat the Malenia boss. After she is defeated, a flower will appear in the boss area. Go near the flower and return the Unalloyed Gold Needle to get Miquella’s Needle as shown in the pictures below.

Now play the game and get branded by the Frenzied Flame, which leads to the bad ending (Lord of Frenzied Flame ending). Then go to the Crumbling Farum Azula and make your way to the Beside the Great Bridge Site of grace as shown below. Then take the elevator down.

After coming out from the elevator, climb down the stairs, move ahead and go out from the western side of the building. Stand on the edge and jump down on the rocks to reach the floating structure as shown in the picture below. There you will get the option to “Lie Down” as shown in the second picture below. On lying down, you will reach Dragonlord Placidusax secret boss chamber.

Use the Miquella’s Needle in Dragonlord Placidusax‘s chamber. You don’t need to defeat him, just open your inventory and use the needle to tame the fame of frenzy. Now you can finish the game normally and won’t get the bad ending.