You will get the objective to find Millicent and give her an Unalloyed Gold Needle from a woman named Gowry. This guide shows Where to find Millicent in Elden Ring. Click here to see the complete walkthrough of Gowry Questline.
Gowry’s Location (Gowry’s Shack)
When you bring the Unalloyed Gold Needle to Gowry, he will tell you to give it to a girl named Millicent. Gowry will tell you that Millicent is at a church atop the cliff, beyond Sellia.

Millicent Location
Millicent is in the Church of the Plague, which is east of Gowry’s Shack as shown in the picture below. To reach there, go east from the Caelem Ruins to Fort Faroth. Then go south to the Church of the Plague as shown below.

If you don’t find Millicent there, then rest on the Site of Grace to make Millicent spawn. Give her the Unalloyed Gold Needle. She will stab herself with the needle and get cured. Come back to the Church of the Plague later and talk to Millicent again. She will give you Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom. She will also tell you that she is leaving for a journey. Click here to see the complete walkthrough of Gowry Questline.