After completing the main campaign you’ll be able to collect 1 secret rune each from all 9 main campaign areas. After collecting the 9 runes, go to the church in your camp and interact with the wall at the end to open a secret room. Inside the secret room you’ll find a map that will unlock a secret cow level. If the written walkthrough is not clear, ckeck out the video at the bottom of the page.
Creeper Woods Secret Rune Location
This secret is in the area where you get the objective to free 5 villagers. In this area there is a movable rock and just next to it you’ll find a pressure plate that will move the rocks. Press the plate as shown in picture 2 below and it will open a secret passage. Go inside and collect a Secret Rune.

Cacti Canyon Secret Rune Location
This is in the area where you get the objective to find the Golden key. In this area you will have a room with blue key. left to the gate of this room you’ll find a pressure plate behind a tree. Press the plate to reveal a secret door in the room with blue key. Go inside and collect a Secret Rune.

Soggy Swamp Secret Rune Location
You’ll find it at the end of the map. Right side of the exit gate there is a pressure plate hidden among mushrooms. Press the plate to open a secret passage. Go inside and collect a Secret Rune.

Pumpkin Pastures Secret Rune Location
This secret is in the area with the burning houses. From the burning house, take right and climb the mountain to reach a stone bridge. At the end of the bridge, pressure plate will be behind some boxes. Press the plate and it will open a secret passage. Go inside and collect a Secret Rune.

Redstone Mines Secret Rune Location
You’ll find it in the area where you get the objective to free 6 Villagers. On the Top-Left side you’ll find a pressure plate among the redstones. Press the plate to open a secret passage. Go inside and collect a Secret Rune.

Fiery Forge Secret Rune Location
Just after entering the forge, right in the corner in the first area you’ll find a switch. Interact with the switch to open a passage. Go inside and collect a Secret Rune.

Desert Temple Secret Rune Location
This secret is in the area where you get the objective to find the golden key. Next to the room with the golden key, you’ll find a switch behind a tree. Interact with the switch to open a secret passage. Go inside and collect a Secret Rune.

Highblock Halls Secret Rune Location
During the mission you’ll reach a courtyard where you’ll face a lot of enemies. After defeating the enemies, to move forward you’ll need a golden key. From the locked Golden door turn right and go up a small stair flight to find a switch on the wall. Intereact with the switch to open a secret door.

Obsidian Pinnacle Secret Rune Location
This secret is near the location where you exit the underground area. Before the exit you’ll come across a small library. In the library interact with a book to open a secret door. Go inside and collect a Secret Rune.