There is a total of 34 Mjolnir Lockers in the game. Each crate contains a different cosmetic item you can use in multiplayer to customize your spartan. Mjolnir Armor Lockers can be found out in the campaign’s open-world as well as in main missions. This guide shows the location of all the Spartan Cores in the game.
For the ease of the guide, the entire map has been divided into four sections: AREA 01, AREA 02, AREA 03, AREA 04. This guide will help you to locate all 34 Mjolnir Lockers distributed all over in the four marked areas.

Area 01
#1 Mjolnir Lockers – Outpost Tremonius Locker | Obelisk Stone MKVII Armor Coating
The Locker can be found near the landing pad. Head up the hill on the far right side after exiting the Foundation ship as shown in the image. Near the landing pad, look for a green armor locker. Interact with the locker to collect Mjolnir Armor Locker.

#2 Mjolnir Lockers – Crimson Vettel MKIIV Coat
It is located on a small island in the middle of a lake and forerunner artifacts as shown on the map.

#3 Mjolnir Lockers – Warmaster’s Prize SPNKr Coating
It is located on the western side of the map and just north of FOB Alpha as marked on the map. The locker is inside a cave.

#4 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Deception MKVII Armor Coating
Can be found atop a mountain as shown on the map. This location is northeast of the Banished Excavation Site.

#5 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Armor Emblem
It is located on the eastern edge of the area as shown on the map below.

#6 Mjolnir Lockers – Wild Kovan MKVII Armor Coating
South from the previous location. Mjolnir Lockers can be found in a small crevice in the mountain.

#7 Mjolnir Lockers – Blood Shadow MKVII Armor Coating
It is located on the other side of the same mountain where you find Mjolnir Lockers #6.

#8 Mjolnir Lockers – Dogfight Makovich MKVII Armor Coating
This Mjolnir Locker can be found along the southern ridge of the Banished Outpost Excavation Site as shown on the map.

#9 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Nameplate
You will find Mjolnir Locker at the bottom of the pit in the western area of the Banished Outpost Excavation Site, as shown on the map.

#10 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Weapon Charm
Located on the western side of the ridge, this Mjolnir Locker can be found in an open field as shown on the map.

#11 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Weapon Emblem
This Mjolnir Locker can be found near a waterfall and stream, west of Forge of Teash.

#12 Mjolnir Lockers – Warmaster’s Prize Bulldog Coating
Moving southwest from the previous Mjolnir Locker. This one can be found under a bridge, as marked on the map.

#13 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Deception Ridgeback Coating
This can be found south of FOB Echo and not too far from the bridge connecting to The Tower.

#14 Mjolnir Lockers – Infinity Nameplate
This can be found northeast of the last Mjolnir Locker, near the top of the ridge as shown on the map.

#15 Mjolnir Lockers -Shadow Sorel MKVII Armor Coating
This is located along the side of the mountain not too far (northeast) from the forerunner Spire, as marked on the map.

#16 Mjolnir Lockers | The Tower – Midnight Griffin MKVII Armor Coating
Mjolnir Armor Locker is under the platform overhanging from the cliff. Jump down from the landing pad at the back of the base near the edge of the play area you can find this item. The location is shown below to reach the locker.

#17 Mjolnir Lockers – Scorpion Horvath Mark VII Armor Coating
This is located just south of ‘The Tower‘ area in an open space.

#18 Mjolnir Lockers – Windfall Armor Emblem
Located in a watery crevice southeast of the ‘The Tower’ area.

#19 Mjolnir Lockers – Olympic Stance
Located on top of a mountain as marked on the map.

#20 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Deception Warthog Coating
Located on the southernmost tip of AREA 02 as marked on the map.

#21 Mjolnir Lockers – Warmaster’s Price Battle Rifle Coating
Only one Mjolnir Locker is available in Area 03 and can be found at the location marked below. It is at the shadow of the westmost Banished Gun.

#22 Mjolnir Lockers – Griffin Nameplate
It is located north of FOB November at the location shown below. It is at the edge of the area down the mountain near the hexagonal pillars.

#23 Mjolnir Lockers – Dogtags Weapon Charms
It is located atop of a mountain, southeast of the lake on the western side as shown on the map.

#24 Mjolnir Lockers – Warmaster’s Prize Commando Rifle Coating
Located southeast of FOB Lima as shown on the map.

#25 Mjolnir Lockers – Dogfight Makovich Wasp Coating
Located near spine-like structures along the ring edge as shown on the map. Jump across the hexagonal pillar to reach the Lockers.

#26 Mjolnir Lockers – Griffin Armor Emblem
This can be found across the crevice from the previous locker location. Locker is located on the mountain base as marked on the map.

#27 Mjolnir Lockers – Griffin Weapon Emblem
Located along the southern edge not too far from the forerunner beam tower as shown on the map. Jump over to the hexagonal tower to collect it.

#28 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Deception Mongoose Coating
Located on the slope of the mountain as shown on the map and image.

#29 Mjolnir Lockers – Infinity Armor Coating
Located near pelican debris and forerunner ring in the middle of an open area as shown in the map.

#30 Mjolnir Lockers – Warmaster’s Prize Assault Rifle Coating
Located north of FOB Juliet, atop of a mountain.

#31 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Deception Rockethog Coating
Located southeast of FOB Juliet. Can be found on a small island where the river splits.

#32 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Deception Scorpio Coating
It is located on side of a mountain, southwest of Banished Outpost Riven Gate.

#33 Mjolnir Lockers – Windfall Nameplate
It is located on side of a mountain, Northwest of Banished Outpost Riven Gate as shown on the map. This is on another mountain just across from where you find the previous locker.

#34 Mjolnir Lockers – Banished Deception Gun Goose Coating
Located on the same mountain and north of the previous locker location, as shown on the map.