How to complete Munching Murkrow request in New Pokémon Snap
In New Pokemon Snap, travel to the islands that make up the Lental region. Research these Pokémon alongside Professor Mirror as you explore dense jungles, vast deserts, and more! Professor Mirror will give you requests to complete ‘Munching Murkrow’ request. Here you need to Snap a picture of Murkrow while it eats fruits.
Head to Park(Night) in Florio Nature Park.
Explore the path in the starting area until you see Murkrow on your right. You need to throw a Fluffruit where the Murkrow is standing so that it can eat it. While the Murkrow is munching on the fruit snap a picture of it.
If you miss the Murkrow in the starting area continue the exploration. You will see two more Murkrow latter near Grookey and Sylveon.
Show the picture to Professor Mirror at the end of the level and, you should complete this request!