This guide shows how to find the location of all 15 Lumenspar in The Nameless Ruins area in the game of Genshin Impact 2.6

Lumenspar #1
The first location appears to be in the Stony Halls area. Drop down into the gap in the middle of Stony Hall area and then head west. You will find Lumenspar sitting on top of a broken pillar.

Lumenspar #2
It is near the south entrance towards the nameless ruins. Climb up the left side of the wall to find the Lumenspar on top of the mountain.

Lumenspar #3
It is located north of the previous Lumenspar location. Here also you need to climb up the western wall of the mountain to collect the Lumenspar. Refer to the map for the exact location

Lumenspar #4
This next Lumenspar is hanging from a ruined structure at the marked location. To reach this location: start from the teleport waypoint in the Stony Hall, head north, and walk along the cliff wall to gain good height. From the top, you need to glide to grab the Lumenspar.

Lumenspar #5 Requires Deinsleif Archon Quest
This Lumenspar also requires the Deinsleif Archon quest to be completed. The next location can be found in the southern part of the nameless ruins as marked on the map. From the northern teleport waypoint, head south and climb up the wall, continue your journey in the southern direction till you see the Lumenspar.

Lumenspar #6
Continue going north from the nameless ruins, you will find the Lumenspar on top of a pillar.

Lumenspar #7
Continue going south from the nameless ruins. You will find the Lumenspar on the ground.

Lumenspar #8
This Lumenspar is located south of the camp at the marked location.

Lumenspar #9
To reach this Lumenspar location you need to enter the tunnel from Stoney Hall. Walk on the right side of the wall that will lead you into a tunnel. You will find the Lumenspar placed on a platform on the right side as you glide down as the tunnel opens into a larger area.

Lumenspar #10 Purple Wall – Requires Lumenstone Adjuvant level 6
Glide down from the previous location. You will see a purple door (portal) on the left wall of the mountain. Use your Level 6 Lumenstone adjuvant to open the portal. Head inside to find the Lumenspar near a pressure plate.

Lumenspar #11
Glide down from the teleport waypoint. The Lumenspart is placed in the middle of a broken bridge.

Lumenspar #12
Glide down from the broken bridge and find the Lumenspar on the northern side.

Lumenspar #13
From teleport waypoint, glide to the broken bridge and then head to the area south of the broken bridge. You will find Lumenspar on top of a giant pillar.

Lumenspar #14
This is on the very top of the stone construction on the southern part of the map.

Lumenspar #15 Purple Wall – Requires Lumenstone Adjuvant level 6
It is located on the path connecting to The Glowing Narrows. Glide down from the teleport waypoint and fly toward the western side. You will find a tunnel on the western wall of the mountain that will go toward The Glowing Narrows. Use your Level 6 Lumenstone adjuvant to open the portal.