This guide shows how to unlock the ‘Oh Yeah!‘ Trophy/ Achievement in Call of Duty Vanguard, which was released on 5th November 2021. For this Trophy, you need to sprint through five Destructible Walls during the campaign. This guide will show you an easy farming spot, where you can unlock the trophy easily within a minute.
Read More: Call of Duty Vanguard All Trophies/ Achievements
Trophy/ Achievement: Oh Yeah!
Description: In Campaign, Tactical Sprint through 5 Destructible walls

How to Unlock ‘On Yeah!’ Trophy
The trophy can be easily unlocked in Mission 3: Stalingrad. During the ‘Get Home’ Objective, you will reach a room with a destructible wall as shown in the wall. You have to tactical sprint through this wall. Tactical Sprint is different from the normal sprint. Double Press L3 on Playstation to Tactical Sprint through the wall. Now immediately reload the last checkpoint. You will spawn in the previous room. Now, tactical sprint through the wall again. Do this until the trophy is unlocked.