This article will guide the player on how to complete the secret quest “Pirate Gastronomy” in WOW: The War Within.
Starting Location
Speak with Alyx at the main tent of the Caverns of Time to pick up the prerequisite quest – A Pirate Missive. She is wearing a white dress and is the Volunteer Assistant Guest Relations Manager.

As the quest starts, head to the Stranglethorn Vale in Eastern Kingdoms. Stranglethorn Vale is located in the extreme south of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Then travel to the Booty Bay area of the Stranglethorn Vale.

Next, the player needs to locate the NPC Scowling Rosa, who is constantly on the move. To easily track her down, use the command “/target Scowling Rosa,” which should help pinpoint her location. Once you find NPC Scowling Rosa, talk to her to obtain the Pirate Gastronomy quest.

In this quest, players must gather various ingredients listed in Rosa’s Note. These items can be easily purchased from the Auction House.

Rogue’s Thistle x 2 >> Swiftthistle
Banana Rum Berries x 2 >> Witchberries
Fire Breathing Chill Sac x 1 >> Small Flame Sac
Koatini’s Oil x 2 >> Aromatic Fish Oil
Deadwind Catfish x 5 >> Available by fishing
Giant Growth Fish x 4 >> Deviate Fish
Sholazar Nettles x 2 >> Nettlefish Fish
Highland Crawdaddies x 3 >> Furious Crawdad
Where to catch Deadwind Catfish
To obtain Deadwind Catfish, head to Karazhan in the Deadwind Pass region of the Eastern Kingdoms. You’ll need to do fishing, as these fish are incredibly rare and typically not available on the auction house—or if they are, they’re likely listed at exorbitant prices.

After gathering all the required ingredients, head back to Bone Noose, located just north of the Caverns of Time event near the shoreline. Speak with him to inform him that the banquet preparations are complete. However, he will task you with collecting additional items.

Next, travel to Northrend and proceed to Hrothgar’s Landing, the northernmost island in the region. Once there, search the northern part of the island for an ice block crystal.

Interact with these crystals until you discover the optional Light Watcher book, which provides details about the deep-sea monster Bailey.

Finally, return to the Caverns of Time, go north, and speak with Bone Noose to conclude the quest.