Belts and Focus Sash are held items in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shinning Pearls. Belts mainly boost Powers and HPs whereas Focus Sash prevents fainting and endure with 1 HP, when at full HP, a 1-KnockOut attack lands. This guide shows where to search Belts and Focus Sash in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shinning Pearls.
There are three different kinds of Belts are available in Pokemon BDSP. You will get all two belts and Focus Sash at the same place. Head to Route 221. You will find a house with an old man located to the west of Ramanas Park as shown in the image below. Talk to the old man and he will ask you to show a pokemon of a specific level. This will be a random number from 1 to 100.

If you are able to show him the pokemon of that level he asked for then he will reward you Black Belt and tell you to come back tomorrow.

On the Next day if you come back and do the same thing then you will get an Expert Belt. Similarly, on the third day, you will get a Focus Sash as a reward.

What Belts and Focus Slash do.
Black Belt
Black Belt increases any Fighting-type move’s power by 10%. You also have a chance to find a Black Belt being held by wild pokemon like Makuhita (5% Chance)
Expert Belt
The expert belt slightly raises the power of Super Effective moves.
Power Belt
Power Belt lowers the Speed, increases EV for Defense. Power Belt is available for purchase at the Battle Tower for 10 BP.
Focus Slash
Focus Slash is also available for purchase at the Battle Tower for 48 BP.