Emotional Baggage is collectibles in Psychonauts 2 that can be found in the Mental Levels. These are the person’s emotional baggage, which is represented as various types of bags, all of which cry relentlessly. For each baggage, you will find a matching tag. Reunite the tag with its corresponding bag to resolve an emotional issue. There are a total of five Emotional Baggage in PSI King’s Sensorium level. This article shows the location of all the tags and the baggage and how to get them.

Purse Tag & Purse
The purse tag is above a van in the backstage area as shown in the picture below. You can get it right at the start of the level.

You will find the purse in the Concessions area. You can reach here by driving the bus. In the Concessions take the rope to reach an area with a sea of crows. Here you can a rotating platform with a watchtower ahead of it as shown in the picture below. Take the path behind the watchtower to reach the purse.

Hatbox Tag & Hatbox
You will get Hatbox Tag in the Vision Section (The First Section) of the level. After fighting with the panic attack, move ahead. Here you will have to pass through three rotating fans. After the third fan, you will see a poster as shown in the picture below. Burn the poster to get the tag.

You will get Hatbox in the Woods. You can get here by driving the bus. Go straight from the location where the Vision is standing. Take the first left and you will find the hatbox between two tents as shown in the picture below.

Dufflebag Tag & Dufflebag
Dufflebag Tag can be found in the Concessions area. You can reach here by driving the bus. The tag is behind a Sold Out van at the start of the location as shown in the picture below.

Dufflebag is in the Eye Shrine section. After crossing the second bridge of light you will see a stack of speakers. Go behind it and get the Dufflebag inside a hole between the stack. This is the same area where you fight “Panic Attack”. You cannot collect this in your first playthrough, since you won’t have the tag.

Steamer Trunk Tag & Steamer Trunk
You will get the Steamer Trunk in the Nose & Mouth Shrine section of the level. You will come to an area where you will have to jump over two fishes. Right after that, the tag is on the main path and impossible to miss.

Steamer Trunk is in the Ear & Hand Shrine section of the level. Here at the end of the area, you will fight a bunch of enemies on a platform as shown in the picture below. Before jumping onto the platform, turn right to see the Steamer Trunk as shown below. Jump across to get it.

Suitcase Tag & Suitcase
You will find Suitcase Tag in the woods section. In this section, you will find a waterfall with wood logs floating on it as shown in the picture below. Use Time Bubble ability on the wood log to cross the water. After that, you will have to climb the mountain using the vines to reach Dr. Touch at the mountain top. Instead of going to the top of the mountain, go around the side to reach the tag (See the second picture below).

The suitcase is in the Backstage section. You cannot get it on your first visit as you do not have the tag. Revisit backstage and go underneath the stage as shown in the picture below to get the suitcase.