Release The Safety on The Cannon’s Breech Puzzle: Genshin Impact 2.6

How To Release The Safety On The Cannon’s Breach

This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to complete the objective “Release The Safety on The Cannon’s Breech” of the world quest “The Heavenly Stone’s Debris” in Genshin Impact 2.6.

Release The Safety on The Cannon’s Breech

NPC assigns you the task to activate the cannon and you will need to release the safety on the cannon’s breech. Releasing the safety of the cannon’s breech is an important step to firing the cannon and breaking a boulder that blocks one part of The Chasm. To start this task, first, read the Safe Blasting Device Signaling Guide.

Read the nearby “Safe Blasting Device Signaling” guide and you’ll learn about the frequency of flickering of each lamp. Each of the three lamp posts has its frequency of flickering that should be set as per the guide. You will find three lamps – the high lamp post, the middle lamp post, and the low lamp post. Each lamp should be either set to high-frequency, medium-frequency, or low-frequency as per the guide. At this point, we are not sure if the manual for frequency settings is the same or different for each player.

Interact with the guidebook on the table to read the process and instructions.
“Low lamp post, high-frequency flicker”
“Medium lamp post, low-frequency flicker”
“High lamp post, low-frequency flicker”

Next, stand at the edge of the wooden platform and observe the lamp posts. You can see that there are three flickering lamps. The nearest one is the high lamp post, while the furthest one is the low lamp post. I have marked it on the image below. You’ll notice the change of pulse in light that radiates from the blue crystals on changing the frequency.

High lamp post

Set the frequency of the high lamp post to low frequency. You can direct drop down and glide to the first lamp (high) from the observation point.

Medium lamp post

Set the frequency of the medium lamp post to low frequency. 

Low lamp post

Set the frequency of the low lamp post to high frequency. Once you activate all the three lamp post this objective will end and you can continue with the quest.

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