This article will guide you on how to complete all the objectives of the quest “Search The Cellar” in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3).
Read the Apprentice’s Journal
Make your way to the Blighted Village.

Interact with the old well in the town square until you are offered the choice to climb down. This will transport you to the Whispering Depths.

Whispering Depths is a series of underground caves filled with Phase Spiders. Inside Whispering Depths continue on the narrow path to the northwest to find an Apprentice’s Journal near a boulder and Read it. If you reach a huge hole, then you have gone far ahead.

Find the Cellar
Head back to Blighted Village, and enter the building in the southeast. Head down the hatch behind the counter.

Inside the basement go to the northern wall and move some boxes in the corner to reveal a lever. When you pull the lever, one of the shelves will slide backward, revealing a hidden entrance.

Enter the freshly opened route. After defeating all enemies, proceed to the southeast corner of this area to interact with the ornate mirror. Here, you must persuade the mirror that you are an ally of its lord by rejecting Szass Tam.

Solution: Below is the solution after which the mirror will allow you to head through into yet another secret room.
“Szass Tam is a foul, wretched creature“
“I read a doctor’s journal – he used balsam to clean a wound.“
“I’d loom to whatever spell will rid me of this worm in my head“
Investigate the Cellar
Head to the east side of the room to find a cage door. Pick the lock on the locked door and go inside.

Find the Necromancer’s Book
Behind the cage door is The Necromancy of Thay, an evil-looking book shaped like a face. Disable the traps by placing a heavy object in place of the book.

Unlock the Book
Make your way to the Blighted Village.

Interact with the old well in the town square until you are offered the choice to climb down. This will transport you to the Whispering Depths.

Whispering Depths is a series of underground caves filled with Phase Spiders. Inside Whispering Depths continue on the narrow path to the northwest until you find a huge hole.

Defeat the Boss spider – Phase Spider Matriarch circling around the giant pit.

Once the Matriarch is dead, climb down to the giant hole in the middle. you’ll find sparkling purple Dark Amethyst among the bones.

Read the Book
When asked, interact with the book and utilize the amethyst. Use the Dark Amethyst to open the Necromancy of Thay.

This will initiate a sequence of skill checks, beginning with a simple check and finishing with a 20-difficulty level.
Find a way to Finish The Necromancy of Thay
Head to Lower City to unlock the final page of “The Necromancy of Thay” and ‘Find a Way to Finish Necromancy of Thay’ in Act III will bring you here.

Go to the second level of the building called Sorcerous Sundries. There are four portals there but don’t interact with them. Go to the left side to find a Metal door.

Ungroup your party members and then cast a Greater Invisibility spell. Lockpick the Metal door to enter the room. Inside you will find several bookshelves.

Interact with the “Clasped Book” book to open a portal. Enter the portal and this will transport you to the Sorcerous Vault.

Pass through the first Oak door, then the second and third locked doors. You can smash these locked doors using Soualbreaker Greatsword. Finally, you’ll arrive at a hexagonal chamber with several entrances.

In the minimap you can see the name of the room is Silverhand. Pass the “Sleight of Hand” check and enter the door with the name Silverhand Door. Simillary pass through the Evocation Door and Wish Door.

Pull the lever in the last room to open the Elminster vault.

Return to the previous area and enter through the “Gate” door. Also, try not to be hit by the bouncing lights.

Then go through the Transmutation door.

Jump over the trap in the next area and enter the Elminster vault through the single open entrance.

Break the display case containing and read the Tharchiate Codex

Finally, open your inventory and read The Necromancy of Thay